I have 3 unforgettable experience at HAN Neuro Acupuncture & Herbal specialists , and I have medical report to prove my conditions, and specialist in hopital was unable to find the root cause to cure me, but HAN center practitioner cured me with 1 treatment only.
I spend 12 hours a days at work looking at computer then at home I sat in a soft sofa looking at TV, only 2 hours of workout. I am 42, you just need to related me to a old proton saga used at off road jungle.
I am covered by insurance and I can afford any specialist cut open me and let me try all sorts of scan and pills on the shelf, but I looked at my 93 year old grand mother who grown up in China, she ate no pills, I know her for 50 years, I only remember she went to hospital 2 times.
My point is, don’t over estimate the capabilities of an expensive huge hospital, and underestimate the power of a small ordinary clinic.
Experience 1
In 2014 I had a very painful left back neck, is not like I had a bad pillow position or twisted your neck during sport, the pain travel from lower back up to the head. And my vision is getting blur. In office I will find hard surface and try to stretch my back or lean on it, tried yokoyoko, tian qi feng you, went to see several western doctors and had taken muscles pain cream, injection, pain killer, celebrex for 2 weeks, not only nothing works, it gets worse, I surrendered on the morning I cant lift up my left hand, and my colleague saw me doing all these and introduced me to HAN Neuro Acupuncture & Herbal Specialists, Cyberjaya Shaftsbury, and so I thought go to try.
At the center I was introduced to Miss Tham, at first I underestimate the young doctor skill and experience, and thought to myself maybe so so only. But my health life changed in the next 10 minutes:
Miss Tham talks to me preparing me to relax. Her diagnostic skill, pressing my pulse at my wrist and neck. I was surprised and eyes-opened by what happen in this sequence
she very assuredly told me by blood pressure min reading is normal but upper limit is not fine (that was the same thing my company panel doctor told me with a device)
She told me there is a muscle spasm at the back of my neck , when my heart pump hard, it stressed the soft tissue surrounded and it swell, will compress on nerve that carries signal from brain to body. That where the pain begins.
Then she asked me what I ate in the past 14 days. I told her I had dental issue, need calcium, so I went to make cow/lamb bone soup, 5 bird eggs + 3 chicken eggs a day in the first 5 days before these 2 weeks of weird pain happen.
I told her I was going to get a Thai Massage, and she told me if I do, I will get harm if massage violently around neck part that artery passing thru. I believed her because that was how my grand father died.
Without waste of time, practitioner led me to take a new pack of acupuncture, I can’t see where I was pierce and I can’t feel any pain, a partner came in and shine me with TDP, and clip a electric device to the needle and they made sure my posture, my leg position all correct, and they ask me to rest and wait.
I removed my glasses and was looking at the wall, as time goes by, I felt less and less pain and my vision became clearer as time pass.
On leaving, I asked the practitioner, and she explained that the blockage reduces oxygen to my brain and eyes so I get blur vision, and now I regain peak vision.
Miss Tham also gave me these tips, no ice, no cold drinks due to it will reduce body circulation and make me feel weak.Temperature Uniformity Law.
I followed her advice and now I can drink cold on and off without discomfort.
No medicine, no bandage, I went home like He-Man.
Experience 2
In 2016, due to sports injury, I had several pains again, right knee, left elbow, right shoulder, left ankle, centre back neck. I went again, and this time Miss. Tham has new skill, which is even more impressive. Let me make this clear why.
Usually you go to a western specialist, they will paint your body with gel for ultra sound, or inject you with certain liquid and place you on an alien cat scan machine,
And then a number of doctors will give their best guess on what is wrong with you.
They will press you and ask you “pain here?”
That is call lottery. In my 3rd and last testimony I will explained in detail. Then you take a few packs of medicine home, eat 3 times a day. There is no guarantee.
At HAN, Miss. Tham ask me to sit on a wooden chair that can spin, so she can spin me and scan me. She also asked me to stand up, chest up look straight. Move my arm up and down, bend my shoulder and knee like action figure, she did not explain why, but I now I more believe that by doing so, her fingers which press on the key location of my muscles bones and nerve, she can tell you in a straight face
which part of my body is in pain now accurately
which part is the first
what was the root cause
and what else will be in pain or damage if you don’t recover.
She then put me on a higher wooden chair, have placed your hand and legs in a certain posture, she will move your neck and body, I believe to realign your inner muscles and nerve.
Is long queue, many patients, so I did not get to learn and ask how she did it.
But after the treatment, and follow some basic advice she gave, those pain never happen again.
Experience 3
This is the most serious and deadly one.
So happen that week I went to do pre-marriage medical screening at Prince Court and during bladder ultrasound the Prince Court doctor pressed too hard on my bladder and causes some pain.
6 days later, after drinking with my parents, a small glass of tiger beer, a undersea coconut, a soya bean, all cold, my ureter (the tube from kidney to bladder) was in super pain, I can lift my right leg but with extreme pain.
I went to see a good Indian doctor at KLINIK MEDISFERA Seri Kembangan, this doctor is honest and gave me good diagnosis, urine PH test, appendix pressure test, suspect stone or muscles pain. Gave me soda, antibiotic and celebrex, the medicine stop the pain for 5 days.
Pain came back and I went see another doctor KLINIK FAMILI at WISMA LYL my office. Same medicine same 5 days, and it came back.
I spend 2 months thinking it is stone, I drank white carrot soup, pumpkin soup, cranberries juice, coconuts, still in pain.
At last I went Columbia 8 Sept 2017 to see Specialist, urologist. The doctor did ultra sound and saw my prostate slightly bigger 0.6cm and concluded that my prostate has infection, and this is where it became worse, the prostate medicine (Glevo 500 Glenmark) made my bone, muscles weak. Another was Harnal OCAS. The pain still at the ureter section. I took leave for 2 days and went to find another two urologist at Glenn-eagle Ampang. Both busy, and thank GOD, HAN appear in my memory again and I went.
At HAN, an assistant practitioner record my story up above, and suddenly Miss Tham came in and asked me to stand up and begin diagnostic, and she looked me in the eyes and tell me my shoulder nerve issue, stream all the way down to my knee, that is not urinal stone or kidney stone, is nerve issue, and she ASSURED me after treatment there will be no more pain.
Yes, I had injured my right shoulder and right back during boxing workout before without telling them.
40 minutes acupuncture and body alignment. Total about 1 hour, and a glass of green herbs.
Until TODAY, just like Miss. Tham said “you will not have that pain anymore”
For this reason, my mother in law is going, my aunty is going, my friend who sell toys carry heavy boxes injured years ago is going to HAN center for a permanent cure.
And I am going there for my quarterly check up.