I am Madam Gan Amui from Puchong. I am stroke patient , my sickness it happen on the 23rd October 2017. I visit clinic in Bukit Jalil , then I was admitted to hospital. When i was at there for 3 days ,then my left hand cannot grab, because strecthing, I feel my fingers and muscle became more stiff, the joint and muscle stiff up. Strecthing is not suitable for my current condition,this is my experience.
Then I ask the doctor to be out patient, he don’t allow. After five days, I decide with my daughter , say that i want to get treatment from Chinese Medicine for acupuncture, therefore the doctor let me discharged.
That afternoon I straight away go to a chinese medicine clinic in University, I been there for two day to cure the weakness on my facial muscle. Then the practitioner recommended me to get specialize treatment on neuro at Chinese Medicine Center in Cyberjaya.
There I met the right person which can cure me, Miss Tham Hui Saan in Han Neuro Acupuncture & Herbal Specialist Center.
From there I visit the practitioner once a week , my husband move me in with wheelchair. After seven times, I already able to walk myself with walking stick. Not long after, I can take bath by myself. My muscle and joint fell loose compare with before, the stability and flexibility became much better. I can move up and down. I can be well slowly, now its time to be well.
Here I would like to share to all stroke patient first of all we must visit the right doctor. Stroke patient can be cure and can be prevent.
~Amui Gan~